Who Can Apply for the Malaysia Digital Nomad Visa? (29+ Remote Positions)

Last Updated on 17 June 2024 by Brittany

When it comes to choosing which digital nomad visa to apply for, itโ€™s important to fully understand the eligibility requirements. Some digital nomad visas are highly selective. So, who can apply for the Malaysia digital nomad visa?

Recently, Malaysiaโ€™s digital nomad visa opened up its eligibility requirements to more remote workers. When it first launched, only remote workers in the digital domain were allowed to apply for the Malaysia digital nomad visa.ย 

As of June 2024, digital nomads in both the digital domain and professional managerial positions are accepted! 

While the visaโ€™s eligibility requirements are still very selective, it opens the opportunity of living in Southeast Asia to even more digital nomads. 

To help you determine whether you are eligible for the Malaysia digital nomad visa, Nomads Embassy has compiled a comprehensive list of the accepted positions in this blog post. 

You can also always request our free digital nomad visa eligibility assessment to see if you meet the requirements for Malaysiaโ€™s digital nomad visa.ย 

who can apply for the malaysia digital nomad visa
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What is the Malaysia Digital Nomad Visa?

Introduced in 2022, the Malaysia digital nomad visa allows remote workers and their immediate family members to live in the country for up to two years. 

Officially known as the Professional Visit Pass, the organization De Rantau has created a welcoming program for digital nomads to fully experience Malaysia.ย 

Along with living in the country, Malaysia digital nomad visa holders may also experience exclusive deals and meetups with fellow digital nomads.ย 

Who Can Apply for the Malaysia Digital Nomad Visa?

Remote employees and freelancers who work in the digital domain or professional and managerial positions may apply for the Malaysia digital nomad visa. 

MDEC provides a list of specific positions and roles that are accepted if they meet the minimum income requirements. We will also list them below.ย 

digital domain professions - who can apply for the malaysia digital nomad visa
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Eligible Digital Domain Professions

The first group of digital nomads allowed to apply for the Malaysia digital nomad visa had to work in the digital domain. Malaysia invited remote employees and freelancers in the tech industry to come and live in the country with a digital nomad visa. 

Accepted industries and professions include:

  • Digital Marketers
  • IT Specialists
  • Web and Software Developers
  • Content Creators
  • Website Designers
  • UI/UX Designers
  • Front End and Back End Engineers
  • AI Engineers and Specialists
  • Blockchain Specialists
  • Cybersecurity Specialists

Eligibility Requirements for Digital Nomads in Tech

Along with working in one of the above fields or positions, there are additional eligibility requirements to qualify for the Malaysia digital nomad visa. 

Digital nomads working in the digital domain must meet the following criteria:

If you meet the above requirements and work in one of the positions above, you may apply for the Malaysia digital nomad visa. 

proof of digital domain work - who can apply for the malaysia digital nomad visa
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How to Prove You Work in the Digital Domain When Applying for Malaysia Digital Nomad Visa

Now that weโ€™ve answered who can apply for the Malaysia digital nomad visa concerning the tech industry, there is some additional information you should know. 

When applying for this visa, you must submit proof that you work in the digital domain. But how exactly do you prove that? Below are some examples of proof and documentation that you can submit.ย 

Project Portfolio

If you are a content creator, web designer, or UI/UX designer, you likely have a portfolio of projects that you are worked on for your employer or freelance clients. 

Submitting a portfolio showing off your work in the digital domain will help build your case that you can apply for the Malaysia digital nomad visa. 

Employment or Client Contracts

You must already submit proof that you work remotely in the form of employment or client contracts, but they can also serve as proof you work in the digital domain. 

If your contract specifically states your role and duties that describe your work in a tech profession, this can serve as proof that you work in an accepted position or industry.

Motivational Letter

One of the best recommendations we have heard for Malaysia digital nomad visa applicants is to provide a motivational letter with the application. 

This letter should explain the work that you do in the digital domain. Make sure to use keywords pertaining to your industry. 

Pro Tip: Write in simple English language and emphasize your work experience in the digital domain. The officials reading the letter are not native English speakers.

Screenshots or Screen Recordings

Another way to prove that you work in the digital domain or tech industry is to provide screenshots or screen recordings of you doing your job. Show the immigration officials the types of tools and software you use to complete digital tasks or a recording of you working on a project. 

Sometimes, the best way is to show, not tell! 

professional and managerial positions - who can apply for the malaysia digital nomad visa
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Eligible Professional and Managerial Positions

If you asked who can apply for the Malaysia digital nomad visa a few months ago, we would have answered just those who work in the digital domain. 

Now, we can expand our list to remote employees and freelancers in professional and managerial positions! 

These positions include:

  • CEO or Founder
  • COO
  • CFO
  • Tax Consultants or Advisors
  • Consultants
  • Accountants
  • Technical Writers
  • Human Resources Manager
  • Legal Counselย 
  • Customer Service Manager
  • Customer Service Representative
  • Product Development Manager
  • Business Development or Growth Manager
  • Marketing Manager
  • Finance Manager
  • Sales Manager
  • Customer Success Manager
  • Public Relations Manager
  • Administration Manager
  • Supply Chain Manager
  • Any Related Position Equivalent to the Above

If you work in any of these positions, no matter what industry, you may be eligible to apply for the Malaysia digital nomad visa. 

Eligibility Requirements for Digital Nomads in Professional and Managerial Positions

The eligibility requirements are slightly different from those for digital nomads who work in the digital domain. 

There is an increased minimum income requirement for those who work in professional and managerial positions. 

If you work in one of the positions listed above, you must also meet the following criteria:

You must also prove that you work in one of the accepted positions. However, this can simply be through employment or freelance contracts or a motivational letter. 

who can apply for the malaysia digital nomad visa
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Can Anyone Apply for the Malaysia Digital Nomad Visa?

No, not anyone can apply for the Malaysia digital nomad visa. You must work in one of the approved positions or industries listed above and meet the minimum income requirement set for your professionโ€™s category. 

Before applying, itโ€™s important to understand who can apply for the Malaysia digital nomad visa. Review the eligibility requirements or request our free digital nomad visa assessment to see if you qualify today!ย 

immigration lawyer - who can apply for the malaysia digital nomad visa
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Should You Work with an Immigration Lawyer to Apply for the Malaysia Digital Nomad Visa?

While it is not required to submit your Malaysia digital nomad visa with the help of an immigration lawyer, it is highly recommended. 

Malaysiaโ€™s digital nomad visa one of the most difficult to qualify for and obtain. 

At Nomads Embassy, we have seen many cases where the immigration officials request additional documentation and clarification concerning the position. This is where it is helpful to have an immigration lawyer on your side. 

Nomads Embassy has partnered with English-speaking hand-selected local immigration lawyers to create a Done-for-You Digital Nomad Visa Service for those who want to apply for Malaysiaโ€™s digital nomad visa.ย 

They will communicate on your behalf with the authorities and help you prepare 100% compliant documents to submit with your application. 

With Malaysiaโ€™s digital nomad visa applications, itโ€™s all in the details! 

who can apply for the malaysia digital nomad visa
via Unsplash

Get Legal Assistance with Your Malaysia Digital Nomad Visa Application

Now that you know who can apply for the Malaysia digital nomad visa, you have a better idea of whether you are eligible or not based on your profession and income. 

The next step is to get in touch with Nomads Embassyโ€™s hand-selected local immigration lawyers for a consultation to discuss your eligibility and strategize an application plan. 

To get started, request our free digital nomad visa eligibility assessment by completing the form above.ย 

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When Iโ€™m not writing and teaching people how to achieve a location-independent lifestyle, you can find me globetrotting, experiencing new cultures, and working on my amateur photography skills.
At Nomads Embassy, we independently test and review digital nomad services and provide detailed insights on digital nomad visa applications and requirements using a detailed, multi-step methodology. When you use our affiliate links to make a purchase, we may earn a commission. Learn more about our editorial process and read our full disclosure.
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