Editorial Process

At Nomads Embassy: The Worldโ€™s First Embassy for Digital Nomads, our mission is to publish factually accurate information about digital nomad visas and connect our readers with verified, hand-selected English-speaking immigration lawyers to assist with their digital nomad visa applications. Thatโ€™s why we want to take this opportunity to share with you our rigorous research and selection method for the information we share and the partners that we choose.ย 


Our Fact-Checking Process

With all of our visa articles, we reference official government websites, consulate information, and immigration lawyers for factual and up-to-date information.ย 

Our immigration lawyer partners review our digital nomad visa articles to ensure the information is true and verified.ย 


Our Partner Selection Process

We spend a majority of our time vetting immigration lawyers worldwide to find the best, most reliable, and experienced immigration lawyers to refer our members and readers to. While searching for prospective partners, we diligently look at their online presence, past reviews, and accolades.ย 

We have multiple meetings to create a comprehensive Done-for-You Digital Nomad Visa service and align both of our expectations, while also negotiating the best price for our customers.ย 

When the opportunity arises, the Nomads Embassy team travels to meet our immigration lawyers face-to-face to tour their offices and strengthen our partnerships.ย 


Our Affiliate Partnerships

Nomads Embassy has the special opportunity to partner with some of our favorite brands and share them with our readers. Before agreeing to become an ambassador or affiliate of a brand, we verify that it is a useful and reliable resource for our members.ย 

While we cannot try all of the services, we have had the opportunity to experience and use 75% of the affiliate brands and products that we promote.ย 


Regular Updates

The Nomads Embassy team is always on the hunt daily for new information regarding digital nomad visas. The first instance we receive news that there has been a change in eligibility criteria, application processes, etc. we update our website to reflect the new information.ย 


Summing It Up

At Nomads Embassy, we recognize the significance of providing accurate and reliable information to our readers. Our strict editorial process, driven by extensive research and professional partnerships, ensures that our information maintains the highest standards of accuracy and authority. We aim to be your trusted resource, empowering you to make well-informed decisions when researching and choosing digital nomad visas.


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