User Agreements Forms

User Agreement Forms:ย 




Welcome to the service-specific agreement forms provided by Nomads Embassyยฎ, a brand operated by NMDS Oรœ. These forms are designed to complement our Terms and Conditions, ensuring you have a clear, comprehensive understanding of the services you’re engaging with. Each form details the scope, limitations, and terms of our individual services, ensuring relevance and specificity to your needs.




  • 15-Minute Eligibility Check
  • 1-Hour Consultation
  • Done-For-You Visa Application Service

General Reference to Terms and Conditions


Before we delve into the specifics of each service, we remind you that these agreement forms operate within the framework established by our Terms and Conditions. For complete information on your rights, obligations, and our privacy commitments, please refer to Nomads Embassyยฎ Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions.

1. User Agreement Form for 15-Minutes Free Eligibility Check


Title: Nomads Embassyยฎ 15-Minutes Free Eligibility Check Agreement


  1. Service Overview:


  1. 15-Minutes Free Eligibility Check is a 15-minute informal virtual session to discuss the Userโ€™s potential eligibility for a Digital Nomad Visa.
  2. This session is informational and does not constitute legal advice.

  • Acknowledgement by the User:


The User hereby acknowledges that:


2.1. This is an informal discussion, not a legal consultation and may not be performed by ย  ย  a lawyer;

2.2. Nomads Embassy (NMDS Oรœ) is not a law firm and operates independently from any government agencies or official embassies.

2.3. NMDS Oรœ operates as a dynamic networking platform and not as a legal firm, government entity, or embassy. This clarifies the nature of the services provided by NMDS Oรœ and sets appropriate User expectations.

2.4. The agreement emphasizes the facilitation role of NMDS Oรœ, which is to connect Users with legal professionals, distinguishing it from direct legal service provision.

2.5ย  ย  Confidentiality: All discussions during the eligibility check are confidential and protected under our comprehensive data protection policies.

2.6ย  ย  No Obligation: This service does not obligate you to proceed with any further services offered by Nomads Embassyยฎ.

  • Limitations:


3.1. This is a preliminary assessment, not a visa application or a guarantee of eligibility.

3.2. Nomads Embassy bears no responsibility for decisions based on this preliminary check.


  1. User Consent:


The User agrees to these terms for the eligibility check service as well as the general Terms and Conditions for Nomads Embassyยฎ.


2. User Agreement Form for 1-Hour Consultation


Title: Nomads Embassyยฎ 1-Hour Consultation Agreement


  1. Service Overview:


1.1. Nomads Embassyยฎ 1-Hour Consultation Agreement is a 1-hour consultation with a local immigration lawyer (our Partner), facilitated by Nomads Embassy;

  1. Tailored advice on the digital nomad visa application process;
  2. Customized Advice: The advice given is based on the latest available information and tailored to your individual case.
  3. Follow-Up: One follow-up email is included, allowing you to clarify any points discussed during the consultation.
  4. Priority Fastlane: If you purchased the Priority Fastlane you have the following advantages.
    1. The Priority Fastlane makes you skip the line, this means youโ€™ll be contacted by the lawyer before everyone else who did not purchase it. Based on the lawyer schedule, this might take 24h or 72h.


  1. Acknowledgement by the User:


The User hereby acknowledges that:


2.1. Nomads Embassy facilitates the connection but is not a law firm and operates independently from any government agencies or official embassies;

2.2. The Userโ€™s commitment to provide complete and accurate information for effective advice is necessary.


  1. Limitations:


3.1. The service is limited to a 1-hour legal consultation with a Partner;

3.2. There is no guarantee of specific visa application outcomes.


  1. Userโ€™s Responsibilities and Obligations:


4.1. Accurate and Timely Submission: The User is required to furnish all necessary documents, information, and specific requisites, such as legal documents and proof of income, both accurately and within the timeframes prescribed by NMDS Oรœ and/or our Partners.

4.2. Full and Honest Disclosure: It is incumbent upon the User to ensure complete and truthful disclosure of all pertinent information to preclude any legal complications.

4.3. Mandatory Communication Copying: The User is obligated to include Nomads Embassy (hello[at] in all external correspondences with Nomads Embassy partners that occur outside of the platform’s purview.


  1. Service Fees and Payment Terms:


5.1. The fee covers both Nomads Embassy’s networking/facilitation and the lawyer’s consultation fee.

5.2. Payment is required in advance of the consultation.


  1. User Consent:


The User agrees to these terms for the consultation service as well as the general Terms and Conditions for Nomads Embassyยฎย 


  1. Refund Policy:


7.1. In exceptional cases where Services are not rendered or in the event of a breach of contract by NMDS Oรœ, a partial refund may be considered in compliance with Estonian consumer protection laws.


7.2. A mediation or dispute resolution process is available if the User is dissatisfied with the provided Services.


7.3. As a general rule, NMDS Oรœ maintains a “No Refunds” policy. This policy reflects the extensive time, effort, and resources invested from the onset of service provision, which often involve personalized consultations, professional networking, and detailed preparations for visa applications. Therefore, refunds are typically not provided once a service has commenced or has been completed, except under the circumstances described in sections 7.1 and 7.2.


7.4. Any requests for refunds under the exceptions listed must be submitted in writing within a reasonable timeframe, as defined by the service agreement specifics or within 30 days of the service delivery issue, whichever is sooner.


7.5. NMDS Oรœ commits to reviewing each request individually and striving to resolve such matters in accordance with Estonian consumer protection laws, ensuring fairness and adherence to our high service standards.


3. User Agreement Form for Done-For-You Service


ย Title: Nomads Embassyยฎ Done-For-You Service Agreement


  1. Service Overview:


1.1. Complete assistance with the Digital Nomad Visa application, including initial assessments, document preparation, and communication with relevant authorities.

1.2. Continuous guidance throughout the visa application process.


  1. Userโ€™s Responsibilities and Obligations:


The User hereby:


2.1. Provide all necessary documentation, information, and specific requirements (e.g., legal documents, proof of income, passportโ€ฆ) accurately and in a timely manner.

2.2. Ensure honest disclosure of all relevant information to avoid any legal complications.

2.3. Acknowledges Mandatory Communication Copying: The User is obligated to include Nomads Embassy (hello[at] in all external correspondences with Nomads Embassy partners that occur outside of the platform’s purview.


  1. Service Fees & Payment Terms:


3.1. The total fee is broken down as follows:
ย  a. professional networking;
ย  b. administrative fees;
ย  c. lawyer’s fees.

3.2. Be aware of potential additional costs that might arise during the application process and that government fees or taxes are separate and the User’s responsibility.


  1. Refund Policy:


4.1. In exceptional cases where services are not rendered or in the event of a breach of contract by NMDS Oรœ, a partial refund may be considered in compliance with Estonian consumer protection laws.

4.2. A mediation or dispute resolution process is available if the User is dissatisfied with the provided services.

  • Compliance with Estonian Law:


5.1. This agreement and all services are in compliance with Estonian consumer protection laws and GDPR for data protection and privacy.

5.2. User data will be handled and protected as per GDPR guidelines.

  • Limitation of Liability:


6.1. Nomads Embassy facilitates the visa application process but does not control government decisions and is not liable for changes in visa policies or laws after the commencement of services.

6.2. The liability of Nomads Embassy is limited to the scope of services provided as outlined in this agreement.


  1. Termination and Modification of Agreement:


Modifications to this agreement are permissible in writing under controlled, mutually agreed-upon circumstances.


  1. Acknowledgment of Understanding:


8.1. The User agrees to these terms for the done-for-you service as well as the general Terms and Conditions for Nomads Embassyยฎย 


8.2. It is advised that, before engaging in our services, Users seek independent legal advice if any part of this agreement is unclear.


Conclusion and Acknowledgment

By proceeding with any of these services, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to the terms outlined in this document and the comprehensive Terms and Conditions of Nomads Embassyยฎ. We’re committed to providing clear, fair, and beneficial services, ensuring a seamless experience as you embark on your digital nomad journey.


For any questions or clarifications, please contact us directly through our provided contact channels. We’re here to assist you every step of the way.